News 2024.12.05
A study session for Diet members, “Decarbonization of Japan’s Steel Industry: Investor Expectations” was held. Yasunori Takeuchi, CEO / Representative Director of Corporate Action Japan, took the stage as a lecturer. He touched upon i) the efforts and challenges in decarbonizing the Japanese steel industry, ii) the expectations of investors for steel companies, and iii) the need for collaboration with policymakers and other crucial stakeholders.
Following Takeuchi’s session, Ms. Ayako Nomizu, Senior Specialist of the PRI Japan Office, spoke about i) collective engagement by institutional investors through Climate Action 100+, ii) benchmark evaluations on target companies and requests from institutional investors, and iii) cases for green steel initiatives in Europe.
Many members of the Diet participated in this study session amid the extraordinary session (being) held at the Diet. Some members ardently asked questions even after the seminar, which all indicated policymakers’ high level of interest in this agenda.