Engaging with corporations and financial institutions while respecting their long-term and sustainable corporate value

CAJ is a shareholder advocacy organization that is strongly grounded in the business environment and informed by the analysis of global trends. Our objective is to achieve a net zero society while augmenting the long-term corporate value of Japanese companies. As a shareholder, we work closely with domestic and international institutional investors to advocate from the perspective of science, while deepening our engagement with companies that are high GHG emitters. Our work is guided by the following three approaches.

Engage with companies to enhance long-term value

Engaging Japanese corporations and financial institutions

  • Supporting the creation of sustainable and long-term corporate value throughout the transition to net zero
  • Encouraging concrete corporate actions that are in alignment with companies’ pledges to reduce carbon emissions
  • Urging a rapid and just transition across companies’ entire portfolios, including in their supply chains
Engaging Japanese corporations and financial institutions

Building partnerships with institutional investors and purpose-driven organizations

  • Working together with domestic and international institutional investors to encourage Japanese companies to act in alignment with the Paris Agreement goals to limit global temperature rise below 1.5°C pre-industrial levels
  • Building a global network by connecting with domestic and international institutional investors and other relevant organizations, allowing us to stay up to date with the latest information while advancing Japan’s transition to net zero
Building partnerships with institutional investors and purpose-driven organizations

Engaging with policy makers and regulators

  • Supporting the establishment of more concrete and actionable national plans to decarbonize Japan’s industrial sector and economy
  • Identifying policy challenges and opportunities for a rapid and just transition of Japan’s socio-economic system
  • Calling for a halt to new investments in fossil fuel-related businesses and projects
  • Advocating for renewable energy investments
Engaging with policy makers and regulators